Sunday, March 13, 2022

Obsolute Formula from 2022


Energy Source
(Kill Mode)

First is the energy source: Hate energy can be fuelled from constructs produced by the brain, encapsulating specific woes, but even sheer insecurity in the face of the sort of tasks this energy is to be directed against can serve to generate heat, providing an ability to Blood-Ecstasy in snubbing the gravity of tasks which front it.

Control Hull


"The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents' beds, unerringly I rush! Naught's an obstacle, naught's an angle to the iron way!" - Captain Ahab 

“ They think me mad—Starbuck does; but I'm demoniac, I am madness maddened! That wild madness that's only calm to comprehend itself! ” - Captain Ahab

Within a social context, the energy source must be contained from seeping outwards into communication and actions detrimental to a stable self image. The Control Hull exists to filter valuable energy from being released as excess heat. The object is to conceal as much hate restrainable from bursting out into social situations, so it can be conserved to be released as fuel for solitary pursuits. 

To conserve a powerful image, [that the pride of which may be used to reinforce internal confidence] anything pertaining to the self must be prevented from concerning the attention of others in conversation; instead, the brain must at all times silently absorb scrutable information regarding those around it, following to engage such information as subject in order to generate speech from others, and not the self. Use of irony, as it springs from a personal admiration of one's ability to attempt whit must also be eliminated from speech. As a whole, negativity, in pertaining to personal emotion must be prohibited generally in order to preserve professionalism by right of generic morality. Such impulses to frustrated aggression exist delivered not of will; instead, inherent movement exists stationary while flowing by an alternate stream compromising professionalism. The heart of the Control Hull is an interest to preserve all action to that of conscious dictation. The bane of this interest is allowance that the mind and its actions flow by the channels of ease; such channels exist outside of the implementation of the self’s will. The eventual interest of the will is maintenance of an image respectable to others, along with a conscious grip of all operations activated: all from task to custom must be considered from start to end—at when further action is to be internalised and executed. An adamant reluctance to drift inactive by alien flows will maintain this discipline, and the same hate channeled to generate production may be used to maintain the Control Hull along with its influence over visible action. Heat will reinforce a will to order and order generate further heat through the confinement of frustration. All extroversions of the hate-engine fuelling movement represent the bane of the security favouring the Control Hull. For this reason the self must extrude to others no great opinion or preferential campaign. Anything which would extend to movement is corrosive to an image of settled professionalism. The hate behind such fiery impulses must be channelled to motive by evidence of its severity; a calm exterior and an ability to control every thought and movement executed, instead of flowing by a current devoid of will. 

Outside of a social context the control hull may be removed in order for otherwise pent up heat energy to be fully released against daunting tasks, with all the external expressions that come with it: screaming and ensuing victory cries.

Outer layer


Placed slenderly over the control hull, and benefitting from the professional demeanour it projects is the outer layer: what other people actually perceive visually. The stature and confidence which the control hull generates must be applied with a sheen of passive approachability—a soft smile will do. This exterior must be settled and not unlike furniture within a social environment, speaking only when spoken to and mildly engaged in dialectics. A good example of someone master of this field would be David Lynch: his represents a personality model of ruthless effect. David Lynch may state opinions and information pertaining to himself, if asked in an interview. There should appear no preference and no visible need; language must be delivered fully and deployed with certain control as if every minor expression is to be quoted to the self. If legitimate, words will be delivered strongly—as strong as is their right by law of common morality. Whatever means given must be activated in pursuit of this personality model: need a higher voice pitch be resorted to in order to maintain wholly delivered speech free of stutter and jittered hastening.

The outer layer may not need be of a legitimate interest for the wellbeing of others, to the contrary, a smiling face un-judge-able in its innocence is a weapon to be directed with greater emphasis against those enemy of the self, allowing no means with which to slip the personality before them by law of social morality [who started what and who can be blamed, etc].

Wielding a passive exterior with a hand of pure rage will prove by default a dysfunctional mechanism—as such, heat is likely to seep and burst through the walls of control, revealing accurate intent. The issue remains: such projected sweetness does not spring from a true heart, instead the guiding heart is one of scorn and gasping frustration. If not a true zen to project a wholesome exterior, another energy may be used within the Control Hull: pride, pride in the strength of control and properness. The zen will refrain from sporadic behaviour for the sake of those around it, but pride will do so equally to maintain itself, and avoid slipping into foolishness. 

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