Monday, January 24, 2022

Idubbbz and Repressive Lust

Recent events will have kicked this old chestnut back up into the discourse. You can give your two cents on the matter by taking the Idubbbz approach with a casual sheen, but at the end of the day even after having affirmed a position, both him and everyone else still know that something isn't right, otherwise there wouldn’t be such tension about which side of the issue to take or even an issue in the first place. Considering people who choose to take the side of Idubbbz simply because they don’t care and don’t want to attack the guy—that’s fair enough but if you don’t care then why even mention it? Probably because it's a safer bet for men, especially of social reputations. It’s a mark that you're part of the right tribe and that you're not an incel. This is why Youtubers will formally go out of their way to establish where they stand in affirming that it’s right Idubbbz be where he is; but then that isn’t an ideological position based on internal value, it’s just a social move to make sure you feel safe around the boys; and as such, being a renegade isn’t really necessary past a simple establishment that you simply don’t care, which is why it comes off as out of place when people rant with outrage against others who aren't for the proposition of letting other men see their girlfriend's nudes. 

So ruthless are people not to show any sign of sexual repression or repressing anything for that matter as long as it's sexual, even if the aspect in question which happens to be sexual also involves something like being cuckolded. It has to be said that a bit of repression can be detected of this drive itself since only such a person should be so hell bent on proving themselves tolerant, otherwise they wouldn’t feel so insecure they should need to compensate through being ruthlessly sexually extroverted in all available matters mentioned or vaguely tapped upon.

So what we know is that a popular Youtuber made a video about how cool he is with other men seeing his girlfriend’s naked tits, along with why people who feel otherwise suck; and that of the debate you have either of two options: Be considered uptight or be enthusiastic about whatever is proposed to you as long as it's sexual in order to avoid coming across as a wimp. The thing which bugs me is why can't men just be interested in not being humiliated? Why do you have to establish your being by way of an ultimatum between two options; why can’t you just not be absent of wanting to be a cuckold? People are afraid of seeming uptight, but is a man supposed to be seen as repressed for not favouring having his woman express sexual affection for the sake of millions of strangers? Nobody wants to be seen as repressed, but at the same time I don’t think any man wants to be the ass end of a relationship either, so what is the remaining value which both preferences result from, what is the constant? The constant is just not wanting to get cucked, and not a general prudeness towards sex itself. People who bare this basic standard have no need for repression since their interests in the opposite sex do in fact exist firmly—just in health, loyalty, power and the prospect of a slightly easer life in through the potential of a woman; there can exist no shame of such values to be repressed, however holding them also means being hostile to proposals of actively glorifying
 promiscuous archetypes of women in value over others—promiscuity not just in general but specifically for some reason within the context of relationships—or so things seem to be playing out. In rejecting such things, the unrepressed must be deemed repressed by others; on the other hand what men who are *inherently repressed will do is take their prude instincts towards all sexual in nature and reverse them into a caricature of extroversion—one which isn’t guided by value in aspects of health and dominance, but sexuality itself in all its potential circumstances: an embrace of what is internalised to be deviant via a repressive instinct considering all aspects of sex as such; these people, after having embraced the agent of their repression will condemn those with shameless interests in sex to be uptight for maintaining their interests in the face of people like Idubbbz.

The side of Idubbbz is the side of sharing porn on Discord servers and loling at memes, but it's actually easier than it looks to argue such people are more sexually repressed than their opposition. 

For one, the only punchline of their humour is the fact that something unorthodox is being made light of, but wouldn’t you need to be repressed in order to consider sex and by extension things like intimacy and female beauty unorthodox? To those truly unrepressed, sex itself is void, however a man’s position as or not as a cuckold stands of a concern. Sexuality—a lust for the female form isn’t something to be considered low or repressed from, therefore it cannot be laughed at in meme humour, but considered with personal interest. 

Modern men will post to Discord and say: “Hey guys, look at this video of a woman having sex of another man." They themselves won’t detect that aspect, the aspect of who dominates who and who spectates from a laptop—the gravity of the interconnection itself which has at such a point been totally annihilated; the only thing they will internalise is that what lies before them is sexual—a broad consideration existing as their own inherent repression reversed. What you’ll find in being cool around the idea of sex is that you don’t need to endlessly express and reaffirm that you jerk off or that you’d be fine with your girlfriend's OnlyFans; that your’e not an incel because you yourself are already firm in that due to one fact—that the very presence of sexuality itself doesn’t concern you; what concerns you are basic interests. 

Not taking a side in favour of say pornography can be a dicey move for a man amongst other men because it echos of repression, and an interest in women beyond just being as men with tits and vaginas. The odd man, especially those who sway against Idubbbz doesn’t seem to be too uptight about the female form at all, far from it; what straight man doesn’t appreciate women, it's just that they aren’t interested in watching videos online of other men having sex with them; they may however be more interested in harnessing some degree of feminine attention for themselves without too much instability or bullshit about OnlyFans accounts or open relationships. Why not just feel comfortable around the concept of women without feeling restricted to choosing between having sexually liberal relationships or being considered uptight. Why not just forget everything already internalised and live by the simple rule of avoiding strife from grit faced socialites.

Considering primal characterisations of the relationship between man and woman conjures up a basic instinct: am I going to go out of my way to let other men masturbate to and flirt with my mate—then internalise such a thing as a practice before arguing it to be right?—probably not; will I invest my interest in other pursuits and hope for them to make my life a little easier? It depends on how basically you want to navigate your interests; cutting away the fat of modern social intuitions and finding something closer to actual interest is a great relief.


  1. I think the main issue i have is that ppl seemed to think they had the authority to tell ian how he should handle his relationship. i personally wouldn't want my gf to have an onlyfans, but im not ian, and i dont expect everyone to have the same proclivities as me. Its not out of the realm of possibility that he just isnt as bothered by it as i would be and that he isnt some kind of cuckold/masochist. The people trying to dictate how he should live his life just end up looking like triggered snowflakes who cant comprehend the fact that someones brain operates differently to theirs.

    1. i think the main issue is that he was encouraging people to make porn with a righteous attitude
