Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Personality Formus

This is a collection of miscellaneous tangential thoughts which I've written down

Personality Methods

German Angle - broad, upfront, productive (Optimism Null) The German angle can only be estranged from optimistic cohesion, but it can still get one over others in the long run. Workplace accomplishment is the only weapon the INFJ has to defend himself. 

Korean Angle - Quiet, generic and charming. The defining point is the substance. Just talk about some popular thing, wear women’s jeans and be a twink. Not too much sophistication is required. Korean Anglers are lover boys and detached from the masculine arts of conflict, but can still pick up chicks, plural. A dating sim for girls will feature a range of male archetypes; somewhere in there resides the Chad as a baseline for reality. Meanwhile various other quirky characters are there for the player to attain the attention of, including the Softboy. A Korean Angler is confined to being a pet or an accessory to a young woman's sense of self-worth. At the end of the day it’s the testosterone which wins out, however obnoxious and brash it manifests.

English Angle - Similar to the German angle but diametrically opposed—optimistic, broad, chipper and first and foremost prolific. This is the language of Chads in the middle class. Actual Englishmen may use it to slant into a Cockney accent if they aren’t already speaking with one. They prize professionalism as does the German Angler, however the professionalism of what's socially in. It is cold efficiency to power in its purest. The German Angler passes this efficiency over for the sake of their standards.  

Sicilian Angle - The angle you must avoid like the plague lest you come off cretinous and pretentious. Antinormies fall into it as a trap while trying to be profound. It lacks jest leaving it open to attacks. This personality only exists for real in movies and tv shows. After the Dark Knight there was an epidemic of kids trying to talk like the Joker. It doesn't end well. 

Japanese Angle - When Antinomies try to swing an English or Korean angle, aiming for charm, it bursts off into a Japanese angle. The Japanese prize etiquette with this refined demeanor, but are underneath seeded with fetishes and erratic social maladjustment, which amounts to the smooth exterior being transparent as a cope. Unrelated, but Stefan Molyneux reminded me of this when he started talking about killing his mother with a baseball bat, still in his chipper manor.

Yiddish Angle - An angle which utilizes volume and eccentricity as a cope for an inability to anything else. Yiddish Anglers must have some area of authority about which to run their mouths, making them descendants of the German Angle.

American Angle (Aeruvian Flow) - The German Angle expressing itself to the point of charisma. It only belongs to masters capable of supporting it with their intellect.

Speech Methods

Basic Yenting - Less of an angle and more of a tool, the practice of a loud positive tone in communication. People seeded with insecurity use it. It's more often than not a warning sign that you don't take any shit to talk so brazenly. In Chad environments, becoming too quiet leaves room for being punked.

Cynicism in a social environment

The great Norm MacDonald perfected something I call Constructive Irony. Norm saw the world as it is, chose to become a parody of it, using this chipper tone to deliver jokes concerning hard truths, or just to shock people, which is equally as funny once you know what he’s doing. What’s great about Constructive Irony is that you can use it for everyday converse as your default personality, then slant into more profound criticism with the same ironic grin. 

Rhythm comes before Substance. Response time is key; even if you don't have anything clever to say, responding quick enough and with the right ease can support the effect of competence. It is possible to seal off verbal exchanges by manor of speaking. If they bring something back you seal it off again.

Slanting - Slanting is when you have a base tone from which more dynamic speech is frequented. Jest transcends the threshold of professionalism in times of dire need—which should occur regularly within conversation—it keeps things airy, leaving less for enemies to pin to the self, no open silences, we’re just breaking balls here. But the inner interest to succeed is as serious as a heart attack. These are just the technicals which ensure it.

Walking on stilts hopes to god that the world moves with it. Slanting moves with the world around it. It doesn't compute between the length of different actions, but detects milliseconds.

Nicolino Locche, Bukowski, Tom Waits, Jay Dyer

Sword Side (Attacks and Defences)

There is professionalism, which anyone can do as long as they have authority on something, then there is the wild wild west, jest, trivial conversation. This is where those daring test their metal. The german Angler has no power here because of how fluid and non reliant on professionalism jest is. I teach how to navigate your honor as an expressive Antinormie and not get burned in the process.

Sicilian Defence - A Sicilian Defence is when you control your response time to sound calm while the other person raises their voice.  If you ever get someone else renegading, play it cool, even ironic if the occasion calls for it. 

The Golden Rule - Don't ever give someone anything which puts the moral weight on their side. I have broken this rule many times.

it is impossible to express complex sentiment truthfully. Instead the rhythm must be concise and snappy like music. 

There is a difference between establishing intellectual superiority and grilling someone to the point where they have to cut you off for the sake of their own shame. Hopefully you will never have to deal in the latter. If you truly have moral weight on your side, then chasing someone out of town isn't a problem, but winning while outnumbered amounts to being the king of nothing until you can get a group of people on your side.

States of Rhetoric

Renegade - Arguing while numerically disavowed

Commentaries on Antinormies

The autistic mind is so socially maladjusted that, when it can express itself it does so in raw volume, through various chants, mantras and screeches:

This is the Antinormie’s concept of trivial expression. Language serves a purpose for practical solutions within whatever field the autistic mind specializes. Normie small talk may as well just be unintelligible gargles as far as its meaning, or lack there of. Small talk, talking about whatever stupid useless shit, it’s emotional, not practical. The form of the autistic screech is just simplifying things a little. The chants are the Neurodivergant mind’s purest emotional expression. His craft is the only weapon the Antinormie has to defend himself; the Antinormie only has verbal leverage through its authority. There is a lower frequency within the voice which can be tapped into so long as things are kept real. It is possible to channel the better voice through the art of Kargyraa throat singing, as a warm up for true practice. 

The goal of the Antinormie is to attain AUTISM AWARENESS, in the same vein as Christ Consciousness or CHIM.

Puberty - The Antinormie brain is so sensitive to detail that with countless external trend propositions, a chosen code of preference must be defined according to the Prime-Symbol of the given mind’s World-Feeling made flesh in women. When an Antinormie is able to find some sufficiency of peace in their libido they have achieved ULTIMA-TANTRIS.

The difference between mainstream and dissident charisma

Eurichans have creative wondering minds. Over this they use professionalism as a vehiclé for life. Between the two you get charisma. 

Lucifiscious people have a mind which only wishes to consume. Some are smarter at achieving this but all are evenly uninspired. 

Part of receiving feed means following conventions, and so the lucifiscious are hardwired to correspond with rules and familiarity. This makes them at there core drab and devoid of any generative thought. Over this they wear the bright pastils of mainstream and safe consumerism. 

Meaning is truly more illustrious and charismatic. Modern day Twitter porn addicts are just as corny as a bohemian tranny from the 1920s, and they are there because the power wants them there. Unlike them, it's another group who have to be crushed whenever they combine meaning with charisma, because then life is revealed for what it is, hostility, and they know how best to deal with it—bad business fo parasites.

Similarity between English and Chinese

For their stupidity the Chinese invented individual characters for each word in their language before figuring out what an alphabet is. The english language is no better. Many English words have spellings incoherent to their prescribed pronunciation. What’s more, alternate spellings of sounds aren’t consistent between words, which makes the language closer to having to remember individual characters as apposed to following a standard reference in an alphabet. Americans did their best to try and fix this, and in response British people turn their noses up at them for fixing their broken code. The outcome depends on preference between what is practical and what is conventional. The Americans chose what has practical while fighting bears and wild Indians. To the British convention is more important, kind of like how they had to have their buttons done up during war, just to keep things standard. Well now their daughters are being raped with the rest of Europe.

Detail VS Mass

There's a clip of Arnold Schwarzenegger clowning on Sylvester Stallone by comparing the Iconic Rambo knife to his larger machete from Predator. It seemed like the perfect metaphor for the relationship between the two and their uses. Say what you like about Blackpepper, but he’s no artist, he’s a business man, like Walt Disney or Bob Kane. Sly is an artist, and a master of nuance. I considered Arnold Schwarzenegger’s being physically bigger then Stallone as coming down to his steroid use, but then again the same could be said about the latter. Actually, Sly used growth hormones to prime himself up for Rambo, but the principle remains, that even on gear, Stallone didn’t need to meet Anrold’s mass in order to create a living breathing character through his use of style. If you’ve ever watched a Rambo movie, you’ll notice him screw the cap off of his knife’s handle to use as a compass. The knife itself always had this cinematic aura of danger. It is a monster in size and design, primarily because in our minds we know how big these knifes usually are, practical things for concealing. All of this is blown completely out of the water when Schwarzenegger holds up with his synthetic arm this loud clunky looking machete, as if he’s big dicking his old rival, because his set designer gave him something larger. However the difference between Aronld and Sly, is that Sly isn’t cucking for the World Economic Forum and telling people about climate change, nor does he come from a nobility family. (despite his name echoing) Trust me that the loud and obnoxious, so long as they don’t have an introspective core, are destined to jump straight into the service of the gay hand which feeds them when the time comes, to be a lapdog for whatever soylent agenda is up next.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body isn’t actually a reflection of strength, nay perhaps because his pedantic muscle mass curtails any tendon strength he should have been tempering for speed-work, but because for strong men, as they actually come, strength is high tensile and beneath a stocky layer of fat. This is the frame of manual labourers. The artistic translation in art and cinema is Zangief or Tony Soprano, not Arnold Schwarzenegger. Aronld Schwarzenegger’s is a hypothetical physique achieved by someone with a lot of spare time and gear—not much else to do other then pose for horny gay men, kind of like how he poses as a celebrity for elite gay men now. I don’t know if he still does, but Arnold used to think that pects were called breasts in English.

No man of actual strength need have breasts on his chest, arms, legs or stomach. That’s what it looks like. It’s a non correlative feature to working men, or even athletes for that matter. His body has no reflection of worldly truths, and in the same way, his value of having had a bigger knife is irrelevant in that nobody can picture it in retrospect as they can Rambo’s, because Sly understood that regardless of quantity, it’s the human touch which lasts longer. And as it does Blackpepper will have still gone out like a cuck, as the beefed up Shabos goy he is.

Isn’t it weird how Korea’s flag change looks like a company rebrand.

Trivial Solutions

The Romans Used "III" to represent the third number because it’s a logical way of following up from I and II. But, if your creative then you can work so that things are more to your convenience; instead of writing three “I”s, you can just write the character 3 and save yourself the effort. 

this principle represents the mentality of creative, or genius minded people and regular people

You can code a robot to do one thing, like chop wood, but it’s just going to keep chopping wood, even if in the moment theres amore practical way of achieving the task at hand.

most people are programmed in the same way, to keep adding “I”s to represent numbers, without having the original thinking to invent 3.

So we know that there are two sorts of people divided by these different patterns of thinking…

but guess what, the simplest way to describe the two mentalities is “Normie” and “antinormie.” (maybe the conventional way, the normie way would be to site some certified terminology, but the practical way is what i’m using, because I’m antinormie, and i’m done with this time wasting professional shit.) 

Terry Davis’s gripe was with people who code in numerals as apposed to numbers 

Conventionally serious VS Practically Serious

I went down to get a hair cut and a protein shake. While the Turkish guy is giving me some kind of Korean bowl cut, I’m listening to the radio, or their playlist or whatever. Twice I thought the same song was playing, but they were just very similar and I’m pretty sure by the same artist. One thing they all had in common however was how serious they sounded in tone and their subject matter. 

The Co Op opposite, by some twist of fate, has an old midwestern American guy in uniform working their, with a white moustache and balding hair; looked magnificent. The American dialect is distinctly different as soon as you hear it, in an expressive flamboyant sort of way, full of irony and jest as this guy was thrashing around talking to the poor Indian girl pushing one of those giant carts full of produce. 

The english people who experience that, much like the ‘lads’ listening to that music, will be mutual in thinking he’s goofy and obnoxious. British people prize themselves as being down to earth, especially in flavour to the yanks. The immediate rebuttal in my mind was to review the brits as uptight trogs without any sense of dynamism, but then realised that often I grill people for not taking anything seriously.

To reconcile this I had to illuminate myself to the presence of two different types of professionalism. 

English people scoff at an American for talking at a frequency which doesn't sound like its at a funeral, however, regardless of whatever they think, the mane was getting it done, during what seemed like a busy work day. These sorts of people who prize being conventional, they don't achieve anything, and often sit by vacuously as obvious subversion runs through. That’s because British professionalism doesn't have anything to do with the achievement of ends; British professionalism is about being conventional, which might involve an end, but doesn't need one, so theres more room to criticise people for not speaking the queens Bri’ish.

The guy was working a laborious job, so professionalism may as well go out the window, and he was fulfilling it, so you cant really clown on him; and by the end of it, the work was done. Nothing proves professionalism more than that. The world is constantly in a state of flux, and humor is a use during this state akin to a consistent storm.

I cite professionalism in my head when English people cant produce anything cathartic while laughing at English gnome humour, which yes, does suck dick; I don't care about Monty Python or whatever people cite.

The reason it’s not professional isn't because its unconventional, but because it isn't practical, and the english are one of the most repressed emotionally stunted races of white men. In this world, you have to be hardy, or dynamic, which funnily enough is the word I described the British down to earth attitude as lacking; and British humour definitely isn't dynamic to earthly hostilities. However both American jest and seriousness maintain the trait of dynamism, because they are bound in practical movement.

In conclusion, that’s the golden constant.

Modern hairstyles

The Turkish barber knows he can never be as mighty, so he must drag the other races down to his level. Turks have a thing for really straight fine lines and symmetry. this may apply to people with generic faces, since the only value becomes the quantity of how detailed their fade is. it is irrelevant to any extending personality. all i wanted was my my hair to be shorter, but these Turkish gay guys who escaped from Muslim Turkey to be gay, they apply the bear minimum of what they could grasp as culture in the zoomer haircut upon anyone who walks in there. fuck Turkey.


  1. hey man, cool blog indeed, interesting to say the least, but it would be really helpful if you integrated more commas in your writing. Not only is it difficult to read the default Times New Roman font when you forget to format it, but obviously, the level of language and words that you use gives way to sometimes having to go over a sentence at least twice, because it has merged with the next or prior.
    I'll point out I'm not a native English speaker, I've been fluent for 13 years but still, by no means am I the best person to confirm whether the lack of commas is something objectively necessary or not, just take it as a suggestion from a foreigner functioning on being awake for 32 hours. The text formatting is fine, if anything, it adds to the charm of this blog's nature.

  2. I think your inclusion of amongus is definitely very apt, good blog

  3. Can't wait to see this in video form, would love to here some curated examples of speech patterns.

  4. Replies
    1. He might have considering it's been a little while since his last schizo cringe post

  5. Otto you cray cray but it would be cool to copy Norm Macdonald's tone
