Saturday, August 5, 2023

Fake and Grey

Flying Saucers probably are a real technology

First of all we know that the U.S. airforce did develop a flying saucer, called the Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar. You can see it hovering on Youtube.

There are many declassified CIA records documenting instances of UFO sitings, primarily of those off shore from the U.S., likely considered as national security threats, supposing other countries have access to the same technology.

CIA documents (revealed by John Greenwald) show concern over a supposed ufo siting in the former soviet union at a location referred to as "site 7". This may be in reference to Vozrozhdeniya Island, otherwise known as Aralsk 7 to the soviets. Along with being referenced in relation to UFO phenomena in other government records, Aralsk 7 was also a biological weapon testing site. 

They also archived numerous newspaper articles on the matter including one from 1952 detailing a sighting over uranium mines in the Belgian Congo.

According to declassified CIA documents, U.S. senator Richard B. Russell also claims to have seen one while in Russia 

E.T. are probably a smokescreen for real aerial technology

If the United States air force did have classified aircrafts, it makes sense for them to push the alien narrative to mask new technology from either Soviet intelligence or even the general public under the guise the government is instead trying to hide alien junk, a claim which nobody needs to take seriously. 

Instances of the Government promoting the UFO narrative

Richard C Doty 

In the documentary Mirage Men, Former AFOSI agent Richard C Doty has claimed that he was tasked to spread disinformation amidst the UFO community during the 80s. 

Prominent UFO nut George Adamski was protected by the CIA from legal prosecution 

In the 50s, George Adamski wrote books in which he claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrials, among having provided photographs alleged to depict alien crafts. In 1954 researcher Thomas Eickhoff tried to have Adamski brought to federal court so that, in his inability to bring forth alleged witnesses to his supposed space trip, he might be prosecuted for an act of fraud committed by illegal use of the U.S. mail system. Having sent a letter to the CIA under the recommendation of his lawyer, Eikhoff received word from then deputy director Allen Dullus stating "Yes, I did have a case for Federal Court." but that by use of the injunction if necessary he would prevent anyone from testifying in court concerning George Adamski's book [Inside the Space Ships] on the grounds that maximum security exists concerning the subject of UFOs.

George Adamski's story involves Army Officials 

“Late in 1949 four men came into the café at Palomar Gardens. Two of them had been in before and we had talked a little about the flying saucers. We began talking about flying saucers again. One of these men was Mr. J.P. Maxfield, and another was his partner, Mr. G.I. Bloom, both of the Point Loma Navy Electronics Laboratory near San Diego. The other two men were from a similar setup in Pasadena. One was in officer’s uniform. They asked me if I would co-operate with them in trying to get photographs of strange craft moving through space… And finally the moon was decided upon as a good spot for careful observation… And it was not too long after this meeting that I succeeded in getting what I deemed at the time to be two good pictures of an object moving through space. I first saw it as I was observing the moon.”

What an amazing coincidence, that a UFO appeared where these military officers stated Adamski should look towards. George Adamski's story describes how he was manipulated by government officials using drugs and a trip into the desert.

Adamski later admitted that he did not write the text of his books himself: someone called “CLJ” wrote Flying Saucers Have Landed. Inside the space ships was written by Charlotte Blodget. 

Claims by Leon Davidson 

Leon Davidson was an American chemical engineer and scientist, one of the team that developed the atomic bomb. He later worked at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.

Like Leon Davidson, Donald Keyhoe and Edward J. Ruppelt also chased up the CIA and airforce for documents on UFOs. What separated Davidson was his belief that UFOs were reports of classified airforce technology which, to keep hidden, director Allen Dullus of the CIA had been gaslighting those of the UFO community, and with that Keyhoe and Ruppelt into the conviction. 

Whereas Keyhoe was treated with respect, Davidson was singled out for harsher handling. In a meeting with Air Force representatives, CIA officer Frank Chapin hinted that Davidson might have ulterior motives, “some of them perhaps not in the best interest of this country,” and suggested bringing in the FBI to investigate. 

Davidson detailed his experience in articles and later in Donald Keyhoe's book Flying Saucers – Top Secret

Davidson in his own words: “It became clear [to me], early in the 1950’s, that the CIA, specifically Allen Dulles, had used legitimate ‘flying saucers’ events […] as a tool in the Cold War. Dulles wanted Russia to waste effort on defences against objects having the extreme capabilities implied by the public saucer stories. […] Dulles also adopted a concept from his old friend Carl Jung, and co-opted the myth that benign aliens have visited Earth for millennia. He used magicians’ illusions, tricks, and showmanship to blend in sightings, landings, and contacts, with the legitimate military test sightings. The public perception grew (from comic book to TV show) that space travel was a real possibility, easing Congressional appropriations for the ‘moon race’ with Russia. Later, Dulles found the saucer believers and their clubs an ideal propaganda vehicle.”

Leon Davidson wrote an article called ECM + CIA = UFO for a magazine called Saucer News in which he argued that instances such as the Belgian UFO wave were induced by mechanical countermeasures against radar, (a known technology at the time) to manipulate data from radar screens.

Here are two more by him,I%20Believe%20Adamski,FSR1960V6N4.pdf

Davidson: “Another interesting item in the report was a copy of a RAND Corp. letter L-2563, March 29, 1949, asking for access to the Air Force files on the Maury Island incident.” 

Maury Island incident—Later, in 1968, when New Orleans DA Jim Garrison re-opened the Kennedy assassination case, Davidson informed Garrison that Ray Palmer and Fred L Crisman were instrumental characters in that Maury Island incident. 

Davidson claims while working in Washington to have seen classified photographs of navy guided missiles resembling flying saucers, resembling descriptions of the recent 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident. He also claims that during the incident, jet interceptors were removed from Andrews Air Force (4 miles from Washington) to New Castle Delaware (90 miles) in the time framework of the sightings, so that no visual confirmation was possible. 

Furthermore, Ruppelt, chief investigator of UFOs for the Air Force, was prevented from travelling around Washington to speak to eyewitnesses – all cars suddenly were required for other duties. He then proposed he would use taxis to visit the eyewitnesses, but was told that he would not be reimbursed for such expenses.

But the “best evidence” came when Ruppelt stated that a CIA employee had predicted the Washington events a few days before they happened. 

The Robertson Panel thus concluded what Walter B. Smith, then Director of the CIA, had stated in a Memo to the Director of the Psychological Warfare Board regarding UFOs: “I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive or defensive utilisation of these phenomenon for psychological warfare purposes.” 

The CIA set up many saucer publishers, sponsored the publicity received by Adamski’s books and others, and sponsored the wave of saucer articles in 1952 in ‘Life’, ‘Look’, etc.” 

Ruppelt’s book clearly shows the steps the CIA took. Project Bluebook was warmed up in 1950-51, Ruppelt was selected by a screening process and groomed for the job of public relations cats-paw (without his knowledge), and a series of ‘incidents’ was planned and carried out involving regular military units, which led to cases considered as authentic evidence of saucers.” Later, Ruppelt would reflect on the several instances in which he had been used – and would admit he had been played. A Life article of April 1952, “Have we Visitors from Space?” was under preparation for a year and its publication was promoted with the help from the government, he would later argue. 

CIA involvement in the Maier sisters' "Space Message"

In 1957 Mildred and Marie Maier of Chicago taped a “space message” and other ham radio operators claimed to have heard the same. Low-key CIA agent Dewelt Walker contacted the Maier sisters while pretending to be an air force officer. When Leon Davidson contacted Walker to ask if the tape had been analyzed at ATIC he received a non-comital reply. After contacting Alan Dullus, director of the CIA, on the matter of Dewelt Walker and the coded message, Dullus redirected him back to the airforce. 

the airforce then claimed that Dewalt walker was and is an air force officer and that the tape “was analyzed by another government organization” having been revealed to contain only identifiable Morse code which came from a known US-licensed radio station. Davidson wrote Dulles again. This time he wanted to know the identity of the Morse operator and of the agency that had conducted the analysis. 

The CIA decided to dress up officers in an Air Force uniform and contact Davidson in New York City, claiming to speak on behalf of the Air Force. The CIA officer explained that there was no super agency involved and that Air Force policy was not to disclose who was doing what. While seeming to accept this argument, Davidson nevertheless pressed for disclosure of the message and its source. The officer agreed to see what he could do. After checking with Headquarters, the CIA officer phoned Davidson to report that a thorough check had been made and, because the signal was of known US origin, the tape and the notes made at the time had been destroyed to conserve file space.

When confronted with a letter from Congressman Joseph Karth related to Davidson’s claims that he was being lied to by the CIA, the CIA chose to lie outright to the Congressman. Karth was told that other than a brief involvement with the Robertson panel, the “CIA has not participated in any flying saucer activities and has referred all correspondence to the Air Force.” As to Davidson’s charges, the CIA wrote to the congressman: “Mr. Davidson’s belief that this agency is involved in the ‘flying saucer furore’ and is using this as a tool in psychological warfare is entirely unfounded. His indication that CIA is misguiding persons in leading them to believe in Flying Saucers is also entirely unfounded.”

Betty Hill was probably hypnotized

Betty Hill refers to strange sounds inducing hypnosis and tactics as were performed on CIA courier to the Bahamas Candy Jones.

UFOs are probably a smokescreen for illegal Government Activity

The alien narrative concerning area 50 is likely an orchestrated ploy to obscure illegal activity administered by the us, two examples of which are…

(Potentially) Iran-Contra 

According to an article initially written for the Washington post which cleared the legal department for inaccurate statements, F.A.A. records reveal that Fat Lady, the plane leased by Barry Seal which crashed in Nicaragua, contained logs linking the plane with Area 51.(

Groom Lake Environmental Lawsuit 

In 1994, the Air Force and the Environmental Protection Agency were sued by five unnamed civilian contractors and the widows of contractors Robert Frost and Walter Kasza. These contractors claimed to be at Groom Lake when unknown chemicals were burned in open pits and trenches there. Consequently having induced liver, skin, and respiratory damage.

Biopsies performed by biochemists at Rutgers University later revealed high levels of dioxin, trichloroethylene, and dibenzofuran in the contractors’ body fat.

The survivors wanted compensation, alleging that the USAF had illegally handled toxic chemicals in violation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The survivors also claimed that the EPA was guilty of turning its head the other way.

The complainants requested information about the chemicals so that they could seek medical treatment for their injuries, however, the government claimed that revealing classified information concerning the chemicals burnt at the Groom would threaten national security. 

In an interview with Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, Lee H. Hamilton, who had been the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee even stated: “The Air Force is classifying all information about Area 51 in order to protect themselves from a lawsuit”. 

When the case went before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E. Widnall claimed information about materials in the air could not be revealed, alleging that such exposure could “reveal military operational capabilities or the nature and scope of classified operations” 

Citing the State Secrets Privilege, the government petitioned trial judge U.S. District Judge Philip Pro (of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada in Las Vegas) to disallow disclosure of classified documents or examination of secret witnesses, alleging this would expose classified information and threaten national security. When Judge Pro rejected the government's argument, President Bill Clinton issued a Presidential Determination, exempting what it called, "The Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada" from environmental disclosure laws. Consequently, Pro dismissed the suit due to lack of evidence. 

The President continues to annually issue a determination continuing the Groom exception. This, and similarly tacit wording used in other government communications, is the only formal recognition the U.S. Government has ever given that Groom Lake is more than simply another part of the Nellis complex.

Bill Clinton in 2000:

George Bush in 2002:

George Bush in 2002:

An unclassified memo on the safe handling of F-117 Nighthawk material was posted on an Air Force web site in 2005. This discussed the same materials for which the complainants had requested information (information the government had claimed was classified). The memo was removed shortly after journalists became aware of it.

BTW the sources for this case have expired as you can see:

Stahl, Leslie. “Area 51/Catch 22.” 60 Minutes 17 March 1996

US 9th Circuit ruling on Kasza V Browner and related case Frost V Perry, Lake, Widnall,” 8 January 1998

but you can still find articles about it online: 

Recent representation of the E.T. narrative is probably a smoke screen

Instances of UFO narratives being promoted in mainstream media

Guy Consolmagno, the Pope's astronomer saying he would baptise aliens:

The idea being promoted on Richard Dawkins' website in reference to a Michio Kaku Reddit AMA 

David Grusch is Fake and Grey

AAWSAP was a Pentagon program full of crazy people who investigated ghosts and werewolves at a place called Skinwalker Ranch. The program was terminated in 2012 due to lack of real progress.

David Grusch's boss at the Pentagon's UAP task force was Jay Stratton. Jay Stratton has investigated Skinwalker Ranch since 2009. He also claims to be haunted by ghosts from Skinwalker Ranch.

David Grusch also worked with Eric Davis on UAP, a contractor with the Pentagon and Skinwalker Ranch ghost hunter. 

David Grusch's source from the inside is probably just another crazy person.


  1. Despite my criticisms to some of Otto's other posts, I have to say that this one is really well researched and is worth reading.

  2. good post, still reads like two bit logo Daedalus and that's not a compliment.

  3. Replies
    1. Did you mean trog as a short word for troglodyte or as another word for hooligan? Anyways, broaden your vocabulary.

  4. It's not aliens, I agree, but I must mention the Fermi Paradox and add a couple of other reasons for that:
    Flying saucer phenomenon started after 1945, the 50s specifically, war time observations were comparable to ball lightning, real actual saucers were only spotted post WW2. Early alien abduction reports recall human looking dudes kidnapping people while wearing shiny black leather uniforms, mostly kidnapping White people and even including mixed-race couples with a White member. Later on the greys arrived, their black eyes described as caps that would fall off when hit, revealing lenses and electronics inside their head and their throats feeling like a metal bar surrounded by cheap plastics. The captors of the Hills hypnotized them that is true, it matters truly who the captors were because it wasn't the CIA.

    Speaking of the 1950s, that's when the Ratlines really kicked in and many European Axis scientist and other VIPs fled to South America. It's funny when you consider how the ESRI map of reported UFO sightings only really starts up in the 50s and the pattern shows an UFO obsession with the White parts of North America, only England of the British Isles, the Netherlands, Flanders, North-West Germany and Scandinavia (if you consider how sparsely populated that part of the world is). Terribly obsessed with White people. Blond Whites. Blonds from Germanic countries.

    I wouldn't consider the sudden surge of MSM reporting UFO related news as distraction of other world events, nobody stops caring just because they heard new alien news from their favorite YouTube MSM channel, on the contrary, UFO nutters have a major overlap with the other contraire communities. It's more of a misdirection, never was it seriously discussed if it could be of human origin by someone not the USA, either it's aliens or the US itself, interesting.

    Why was the US military effectively gloating when they shot down a couple of UAPs in February? The weather balloon was of Chinese origin that was for sure, they even snapped a couple of pictures remiscent of Washington passing the Delaware. Why was the distinction made between the balloon and the other objects? They could've said that they were all Chinese and be done with it.

    Why are there still movies, series, games, comics and books made in the US painting Germans as the bad guys while the Japanese and Italians are completely let off the hook? Imagine this scenario if British media in the 1890s was still completely dominated by bottom of the barrel Napoleonic era war propaganda, wouldn't that seem weird, as if the British were still at war?

    Before you create your answer, it doesn't completely lie at fault with the bankers, Germany was an enemy of the US, twice, so it's only natural to paint them as baddies... but 80 years after the fact? A big waste of ressources if you ask me. The self-hating American doesn't care about the Holo as much as things the US itself has perpetrated, if you want to brainwash a population into self-flagellation, bringing up crimes of your former enemy seems redundant and flirts with sabotaging your agenda.

    End of rine.

  5. Huh, I hadn't thought about that, tbh this actually sort of gives closure on a cultural phenomena which didn't really make sense. Sort of dissapointingly mundane though
