Saturday, March 25, 2023

Constructive Irony: Why Humor is an Antibody to Modern Culture (Response to Stoolmouth)

So recently I started posting Sam Hyde clips to my Youtube channel. The subscribers are used to Oneyplays compilations and I lose 1k every time. Never-the-less I couldn't help but notice people in the comments acknowledging the overlap between the two fanbases. If it were perhaps someone else I might be losing more. Someone pointed out that the internet acts like a hive mind, as certain types end up unanimously gravitating towards common influencers, as if to constitute clics amongst others. This furthermore suggests a diversity of personality types in online behaviour, all invested in their team's idols. I identified this distinction years ago. It is no coincidence that people are now beginning to integrate influencers from across the board as of a common creed.

It is true, despite having never met, Sam and Oney fans are natural allies. What’s the connection? There was a video by a small youtuber called Stoolmouth who didn’t understand this. Some people don’t like OneyPlays, they think the humor is obnoxious and vulgar, and immature—which it is, but that’s kind of the point. A more sincere, at times serious style would be Game Grumps’, the predecessor. There were always rotary life stories from Danny every once in a while, or some dead singer he needed to shout out at the end of the video. Danny as a person carries himself professionally, which isn't very helpful when he’s pumping fans in bathtubs before ghosting them behind the scenes. I once said that "Zach defends legitimacy with irony and Danny defends debauchery with what he presents as legitimacy.He is legitimacy in the name of meaningless open love, with a sincere smile. OneyPlays came along just as people were getting sick of this. Chris’s mantel during the Ding Dong era was this childlike innocence mixed with the edgiest one-liners you could imagine. It is to the last detail cynical, and in spite of things which do have it coming. The style was like a cartoon of Youtube’s trending algorithm, not unlike a parody of where the Game Grumps are at now. How can you be a Danny in a world of madness—the only rational thing to do is treat it like the joke it is. During the Ding Dong era, Chris spoke almost solely in irony, like a kid, making rhymes and funny noises, however it felt realer then anything Danny ever said, because where he kept a straight face in Clownworld, OneyPlays chose to parody it. Zach only improved upon this angle, bringing in politics and references to true youth culture—shots were taken at incels, self improvement culture, along with all else relevant to millennial suffering and humiliation. Someone who Zach draws comedic influence from is Norm MacDonald. He perfected something I call Constructive Irony in humor. It is a way of speaking which presents itself overly proper and optimistic, rational as any other easy goer’s. Norm used this chipper tone to deliver jokes concerning hard truths, or just to shock people, which is equally as funny once you know what he’s doing. What’s great about Constructive Irony is that you can use it for everyday converse as your default personality, then slant into more profound criticism with the same ironic grin. Underneath, true concern remains. You can’t have it on the surface because nobody likes a hard ass, but to be at once a regular person while a parody of a regular person is the move for cynical people with a sense of humor, so long as the dark cynicism underneath the sunny surface is played with skill. Norm saw the world as it is, chose to become a parody of it, like Chris and Zach after him. We see traces of the same method in use by younger Antinormie influencers, undoubtably as things got more lucifiscious in culture. Zach Hadel drew from Norm’s speech manor, so did Matt Watson and Ryan of Supermega; Chris developed something similar; Sam Hyde wears it in his own way. His taste in music is peak Ironycore—of which I have my own playlist:

So yes, people will tend to fall under different unnamed categories bound by a shared affinity for common influencers. For the Antinormie clic, the factor integrating all of these names, what's defining the viewership interest is cynical irony, and cynical irony only needs to exist as far as there are deeper concerns beyond the jokes—not just jacking off to quirky anime memes. This is what Stoolmouth couldn't grasp. The humor isn't obnoxious, it’s in-spite of the obnoxious. It may be Hank Schrader smiling on the outside, but not on the inside. This goes as far as the portion of the viewership who get the joke, the other portion are just trans rights little bitches. 

The true calling of OneyPlays fans was and is cynicism in the face of Millennial anguish. Someone like Sam has been on this for a long time. Eugene Shekelstein, with whom I have conversed many times before, postulated that Schizophrenia is a defence mechanism against modern pathogens, for a sound mind is easier to control. At least it can be said that online schizophrenic humor is an antibody to modern brainwashing. The modern imperialism of all and everything’s commodification, it doesn't propose itself up front, it does so subliminally, unofficially, but there. While people assume professional everyday movement, the Overton Window introduces customs more lucifiscious. It’s so subtle that to rebel out right against it is to seem out of the ordinary. Meanwhile as those ordinary condone modern culture, the floridation creeps ever further. It’s the acting normal which is the problem, as if the mind and body isn’t slowly under attack. But the schizophrenic mind, which cannot internalize reality to even except subversive toxins, that presides in the grey and may bypass new impositions with an immunity.

Ironic humor operates in the same way. If everything is fluid, then there’s by proxy nothing good to be tampered with either. The true weight of evil in the world is too much to bear. You can't be serious all the time in an environment this glitched out, you’ll kill yourself. Before our time, humor is a coping mechanism to suffering. Irony is the body’s immune system to the turbulence of mainstream descent, the ultimate immunity to modern pathogens.

The Normie brain relies on familiarity, wired to correspond with signals and predisposed to routines. It is a state of mind rigid and accustomed to process. The hypersensitive Antinormie brain is too wise to potential attacks to settle with any convention of signals, for even the slightest distortion from Divine Intellect is enough to spoil any peace of mind. In a perfect world this would not be an issue, but we face pathogenes in the aesthetics of war, passion, even the sentimental; in sex and the aesthetics of sex; food, water; all facets of culture. The response to this flux is never to settle with a rational conclusion any which way, but maintain within the grey zone between threat response and the adoption of threatening proposals, lest you become accustomed to the prospect of those proposals. For most people it's allot simpler. The normie brain asks, is this in? (legitimate) or will it estrange me from social warmth? The Antinormie brain doesn’t have this save-state, but is interested more so in qualities over convention. The normie brain is wired to convention, it’s more passive and compliant to whatever this may be, which is a good thing until subversive forces take strategic advantage of that instinct. For dissidents under torment, taking things seriously means going along with whatever’s socially “serious” for the sake of convention. It also means watching the world become more distorted day by day. Irony prevents the mind from this sense of legitimacy which would conform to mainstream evil, as would be socially proper; plus, when things get too real, it helps to distance the mind from raw ideology—if all we had were a sense of good being desecrated, the only thing we'd have would be misery. Meanwhile, the truly sincere exists as the basis for irony to serve. OneyPlays talk in mid 2000s l33tspeak to make fun of an obnoxious style of humor. Some Oneyplays fans do the same, however not in spite of obnoxious humor, but almost as a continuation of it under the guise of irony. But Oneyplays isn't good because it’s quirky, it’s good because it satirizes what it's mimicking, and to far worse then L33tspeak in current prominence. There is a core of sincerity navigating the irony, Norm’s was pitted deeply; irony is a tool for taking things down a peg. For normies, irony is funny for the same reason mid 2000s humor was, it's quirky. 

Oneyplays dealt irony against Funko Pops and Reddit consumerism. Normie humor just makes references to different deliveries of pleasure. There are prescribed lines for them to be edgy-quirky, which you can catalogue on Know Your Meme: femboy hooters, booba, mommy milkers, big tiddy goth gf, lewd ara ara anime memes... But then they return straight back to formality as soon as there’s a joke undermining anything lucifiscious of their own investment. Sam Hyde screaming at a Balenciaga employee over the phone is edgy too, but this would make a normie blush because it’s too intense, and outside of their convention. Then it goes back to, they’re normal and we can’t take anything seriously. They see Norm and say “erm ok, awkward” to the person who couldn't laugh at Tik Tok compilations. Are we goofy wackjob degenerates while others take things seriously? No, the only thing a normie can take seriously is fitting in, which could and does mean Polyamory and new sexual freedoms. You can sense it in their movement; it’s in the distant soft spoken way of converse which is waiting for an opening to talk about some game or tv show, or an in to a party. There is no love in this. Normies will shmang over no deep compatibility. For them, morality takes a second to convention, for morality is a thing too sophisticated for majority units. Divine Intellect isn't meant for them. Antinormie, High Performance, Neurodivergent, INFJ, whatever you want to call it is a potential snub to subversion warfare because it can identify good from evil regardless of social convention through the lens of quality, and not signals conveying what’s in.


  1. It’s really not that deep lmao

    1. Cant read?
      Maybe your retard wrangler can read it out for you in chinese. Down boy

    2. another thing with sam Hyde is that he's a bit problematic and for some people he can be a real turn of. he's the kind of guy that people love or hate is what I mean.

  2. I understand what you mean, and it really seems like we're both on some strange same wavelength. Around the time that you posted Sam Hyde vids, I also started listening to Sam Hyde and viewing his vids. But yeah, today's generation wouldn't be able to wrap their head around irony due to them not understanding their humor and taking everything serious when it never was that serious.

  3. The fact that I'm here, a longtime fan of oneyplays, and am not turned away by your "schizoposting" proves your point earlier about the seemingly transcendental overlap of Oney fans and Sam Hyde fans. I am not as interested in Sam Hyde as I am oneyplays but nonetheless, I have noticed an increase of videos related to Sam Hyde in my YT reccommends. Months of this pattern has led me here, now, to this blog. It is certain, this may be more than coincidence. I've also been a long time fan Norm MacDonald, and I am pleased to see that you're so passionate about him. I feel as though there are more people like us than not, but I don't know. Some may label me a "poser" or "dick-rider" maybe even a "bandwagon" fan. I would say the contrary and reiterate my earlier statement: if I'm here it's legit and likely not by accident.

  4. I’m genuinely shocked by the normie’s inability to comprehend irony. Truly the top of the bell curve. If you can’t find Sam threatening to kick a Balenciaga employee’s teeth in funny you’re a humourless cretin.

  5. First of all as that other guy said, I'm increasingly shocked every day at the normie's inability to comprehend things outside the norm, a.k.a straight comedy and ticktok basically, and second is that more and more I'm realizing that 80% of people are normies and of the other 20% 50% are half normies, 45% are half normies pretending to be anti-normies and only like 5% if not less of those are actually geniuenly anti-normies. Like even in some of Sam's gems which are just some basic irony and comedy there's shit tons of people just confused and basically who only understand the quircky quality as you mentioned, in the mainstream and even in for example the idubbz documentary they're all so confused at what's so simple and intuitive to grasp for some people. I'm almost in denial that most people really are just that fucking stupid and at that low level of cognizance which is what I call what I believe you call ¨divine intellect¨, but it's really like they're animals tbh, you're unable to mention anything contrary to the popular narrative becouse they'll just start spazzing out. I'm convinced they're all just pretending, that they get it on some consious level but don't feel comfortable even giving it more than a second of thought

  6. You should stop posting clips that others have made and start posting more original philosophical content.

  7. can u make a venn diagramm of million dollar extrem oney plays cum town norm macdonald and put it all together and right in the middle it says if u are here u are normal

  8. Irony and sarcasm have been a part of my humour and way to get my point across not so tolerant people for a long time, sadly the "Irony age" in meme culture which abused irony without meaning left me drained for some time. Thank God we're so back

  9. Shit like this is exactly why Sam hates his fans lmao

  10. Definitely a fan of all three of these groups, but I think I’ve become a bit allergic to Sam, at least in some respects. On one hand, he can still come up with genuinely funny bits every once in a while. On the other hand, everything after World Peace has this deep undercurrent of spite and nastiness to it that I’ve enjoyed less and less as the years go by. I can understand where this comes from, getting totally fucked by some jealous cunt who you looked up to doesn’t sound fun. In WP and all the stuff before it, there’s an optimism buried deep within. This shit is all for shits and giggles. Sure, Sam and the guys can drop a lethal, cutting line on a total stranger, but it’s all for “the lolz” at the end of the day. There is no such light in Sam after WP. I really hope WP2 brings that feeling back, what with the long awaited reunion with Chuck. Oney was someone I was familiar with years before I discovered his let’s play channel, around spring of 2017. The hosts of oneyplays and their style of humor is one I think has trumped sam’s over the years, because I never feel they lapse into pure negativity, or post videos that essentially boil down to guru life advice for the people who watch them. Oneyplays, along with Norm, allowed me to see the humor in everything, even that which I hate. I’ll put it this way; I don’t think Sam is the type of guy who would do totally neutral jokes about politicians the way Chris or Zach do. I think in most cases, Tom Green has filled the hole Sam Hyde once occupied for me. Tom similarly had a big, public failure, but the difference lies in execution. On the surface, Freddy Got Fingered is a weird movie which is usually dismissed as unfunny garbage. However, it may be the biggest middle finger ever produced in Hollywood. It’s a middle finger to teen gross-out comedies like American Pie, the people who enjoy those types of movies, the people who expected him to make that kind of movie, and the public who he correctly predicted wouldn’t understand any of it. That leaves only the type of person who would see the humor in everything to be accepted by Green’s freak show movie about an animator who seemingly can’t do anything right. FGF is the ultimate movie for people with these sensibilities, as it was the one of those fabled points of time where one of them managed to crawl out of the woodwork and shout one beautiful, primal scream for everyone to hear. I don’t know how I got to this point, and I don’t know how to end this. I guess I got carried away. I think the point is to never lose sight of the fact that we’re all chasing happiness, and loosening up a bit isn’t a bad thing at all. I think.

    1. get your head out of the clouds. the world is hostile. Sam has perfected a mentality for coping with it. we're not watching Freddy got fingered.

    2. Otto Heckel simping for Sam Hyde yet again

    3. U haven’t seen his sssniperwolf or betterhelp streams yet

  11. what too much internet does to a mf

    1. you know, Chris said in a recent video that the people you see posting shit on the internet are the minority, the ones who have too much free time on their hands. that says a lot about your compilation making, blog post typing ass. try finding a job and maybe the world won't seem so hostile anymore. autismo.

  12. what the fuck does "lucifiscious" mean?

  13. “Umm… can you say what the normal guy alert much??” - Retard Police

  14. I read this in a Max Payne voice lol

  15. I tried to give it a fair shot, I really did, but this is all chronically online mentally ill retarded fucking nonsense.

    Oneyplays doesn't crack jokes about redditors and SJWs because they're trying to make some grand satirical point; they make fun of them because they're easy to make fun of. Julian and Cory are both porn artists and Tomar, Lyle and Zach have contributed to Hazbin Hotel related stuff, which all go against the weird, autistic anti-degeneracy nonsense you seem to think they stand for.

    My advice to you is that you get off your phone, get off your computer, and get an actual hobby that doesn't feed back in to internet faggotry (like your embarrassing webcomic does). Go read a book or something.

    Also being clinically insane doesn't make you see more clearly, it makes you fucking insane.

  16. Revisiting this and reading the comments, it seems many people (presumably normies/half-normies) don't understand the concept of the unconscious.

    1. Yeah, it's really sad to see, no way people are that dumb and don't get what's being said here, it's extremely fucking simple, watching average human behaviour is a massive blackpill. It's just repetitions of that first retard who said "it's not that deep" but with added anger on top of their confusion and refusal to engage with interesting ideas that are unmundane
