Saturday, May 6, 2023

Idubbbz' Normiefication

One thing I could never understand is why people only started caring when it was Idubbbz. Joji’s girlfriend used to post herself trying out dildos on Twitter free of charge back in 2016 and nobody said shit. (Her bio had "Joji's meme queen") These old era Youtubers and people like them were always free love faggots. Now the crossroads have split, and for his moral convictions Idubbbz accordingly concluded to the path of normiefication.

The only reason Idubbbz could have once beaten someone like Leafy is because where he was a pretty boy, Ian once knew how not to take things too seriously. Irony, with solid points to back it up, that was the only excuse for him looking and sounding like a nerd. Sam got away with the same look because he too knew how to roll with it.

It’s the professionalism which ruined Idubbbz, the morality for prostitutes. This isn't to be confused with the moral professionalism of Sam Hyde. Sam is irony for the sake of legitimacy; Idubbbz is legitimacy for the sake of masturbation.

The strategic interest of beta males is the preference that women be or become smiley free love whores so that, they, along with everyone else may have looser access to them, not in a reproductive way, but by the same mindset which would pay for it as a product. Without being asked they need to clarify their assertion; even those PKA guys had to plant their flag while talking to Sam about it. I believe that their heartfelt investment for loosening the strength and beauty of women is out weighed by my interest to maintain it.

I hate this glossy attitude of being morally serious and commercial with this sheen of professionalism. The world is in chaos, so fuck it.

Idubbbz says Froggy doesn't respect sex workers. Don't established your pride as a professional cocksucker, then complain about not getting respect. Before you get offended, is that an insult to say? I thought there wasn't anything wrong with it, (inevitably sucking dick) right? Isn't it what they're proud of? Sex work is real work. Hypothetically they may understand it as an insult, but that’s only because despite their bullshit they know that what they claim professionalism for is something seedy and in most historical contexts kept from mainstream society.

Cocksucker is a good insult for someone who is a prostitute, but if that’s what they actually do, and are proud of it, is it really an insult? A 'Sex Worker' is just a woman who took the easy way out by selling her pu$$y. Whatever. It's the vie for normilization which is pushing it. These are weak people, who instead of aiming higher, choose to be low at the expense of societal strength and beauty, then have the absolute balls to claim moral authority. So fuck em, die.

The hit or miss girl said she cried in a restroom because someone said she had cum in her face, but what's there to be offended by, isn't that what she was doing? It's almost like they know it's cracked but want respect out of moral gluttony because it's fun to be part of a victim group, although you can't really be a victim if it is as "normal" as they say it is, but they revert back on that too for the gives-me-dat.

The worst part of all this is that they are bent on dignifying something which is usually derivative of abuse. All these hoes who go on about selling their bodies being on par with any other profession, like to have their cake, but then immediately eat it by trauma dumping about how they were abused as kids. Didn't take long for Anissa to do it:

It's like Ye said, the trauma has to be continued; ask Spielberg's adopted daughter.

Idubbbz uploaded that video suspiciously soon after my Anissa compilation, which he referenced throughout. If my comp prompted him to make that response, long after the drama cooled off, then that would make Ian's claim of just resentment when kicking Froggy based on a lie, assuming he hadn't recently seen those clips before finally making an out of date response.


  1. Good one here, although I didn't like the misogyny very much. Also, where did you find that cute picture of Sam?

  2. Good op piece, the brashness was used to good affect in my opinion. I think since sexual intimacy itself is a very intense act, the only way to get people's true opinion is to be as vulgar. (I don't want to make a blogspot account, so if you want to harass me my handle is beandoogle on most stuff >:])

  3. I dont think Idubbbz ever became "normiefied" he used to thrive on edgy humor and therefore accumulated a fanbase that also appreciated sexist, racist, vulgar humor, therefore ruling out any snowflakes. A lot of his fanbase however seemed to be under the impression that these jokes reflected his actual beliefs, and therefore felt betrayed when he revealed that he doesnt hate sex workers or condone slut shaming. I think the whole "idubbbz became a normie/cuck" is j cope bc theyre upset that the image they constructed of him in their mind was in fact false. While it is true that idubbbz has strayed away from, and now disavows his edgy content i dont think this is intentionally done to gain mass appeal, but rather he has matured as a person and has, bigger ambitions than 2016 era edgy content which probably isnt fulfilling for him. I still enjoy his content (although i dont care much for the boxing) and all the ppl crying about his gf making porn should probably find some real issues to get mad over

    1. stop saying "therefore," you sound like a jackass

    2. bro your posts the least succinct, most overly worded shit ive ever read, and you wanna word police me? SAD!

    3. because i fucked your ass till you cried?

    4. Nick Her Panties Are WetMay 24, 2023 at 2:38 PM

      mmmmm what da hellllll

    5. "hate sex workers" and "condone slut shaming" lmaoooooo how did you get here fag

  4. Dude, what happened to your Otto Heckel channel? Literally shaking rn.

  5. guy who pours through the lets plays of a retarded 40 year old to compile jokes about Nostalgia Critic has a lot to say about what is and isn’t cringe

  6. I would like to apologise for the today's discord shenanigans, although I had no part in it, I certainly hope you will bring the server back. It was really embarrassing for the people involved. I joined, because I was curious and actually wanted to get to know the person behind these blog posts, because I find myself actually quoting you often.

    1. What was the channel that you mentioned uploading videos from? I looked it up and found a playlist full of them uploaded by someone else (must be unlisted since I can't find them through the basic search function), but didn't save it and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the channel. Something like "Salty and Discombobulating"?

    2. Sassy and Opinionated

  7. Go get help cuck lmaoo

  8. sam hyde is a pedophile

  9. How empty of an life do you have to have to think about these things enough to write an essay about it?

    1. If it's really as meaningless as you make it out to be, then why do you sound so heated?
