Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Tatian Snag

The idea of manhood will tend to exist in modern media and legitimate discourse, but with a slight catch. Every time something comes along which is trying to espouse masculinity, it always concludes in polyamory, or cuckolding as I like to call it. I almost watched that show Vikings, until the third episode where Ragnar wants a Saxon monk to fuck his wife for a threesome. You can find other examples of where this has happened. Andrew Tate was almost there, he was pro-men, he's even anti porn; but there just had to be that little catch at the end about having other men look at your partner for money. Meanwhile he’ll still get on the liberals' nerves and there can be a nice distracting back-and-forth. That way male feminists can be pussies and the other side can be flashy individualistic fuck-boys. Neither are really that much of a threat. It’s just awkward that Tate has made it so you can’t identify with a sense of manhood without pimping your significant other.

Tate’s masculinity appeals to the feminine side of the male brain which is needy and always wants things. “I don’t want to admit to any hard truths about myself, I just want to watch Chinese cartoons and have my anime profile.” The anime profile user is the bane of the anti-normie, it is lower than a normie because it knows not what it is. Their signs are on t-shirts, advertized and well into the mainstream for a reason, and it’s the same reason which put Andrew Tate in the position of masculinity's spokesman. Funnily enough, there's a clip of Tate dancing along for a guy defending his right to an underaged cartoon:

The weeb stuff is in the mix along with everything else poisoning the well. Manhood and being edgy is appealing to young fringe men—that’s a fair enough mission-statement. The problem is, somewhere down the line, manhood and edginess is being nudged towards anime and OnlyFans. What will follow will be this old call back to product femininity; strong independent women succeeding in the marketIv’e already seen it recommended here and there. That way women can be interpreted more like men and everybody can be equal.

One side can reaffirm it to be macho or for female independence, or whatever, and the other can complain about it. Either way, it’s to further enforce a commercial interpretation of woman. This is a lightning rod for real manhood, which is a little harder and less flamboyant. 

That hentai hoodie was also a lightning rod for what being truledgy is. Whoever the-powers-that-be are, they’re definitely more comfortable with those bellow meming on cartoon porn then reading up on corruption. There is the reason the term based went from what it was to a catchphrase in defence of anything degenerate. 

What’s weird is that, while he’s not praising Islam, Andrew Tate calls himself a Christian. If being based just means pumping and dumping women, then is the idea of the girl who gets it just going to be a prostitute? If Ragnar’s girlfriend doesn’t want to fuck the Saxon monk, is that really an undesirable trait? Things like Onlyfans and sex worker rights are normie shit by now. 

At this point as far as i'm concerned, it's (Based) a breath of fresh air to find a woman who isn’t into that gay free love hippy shit. Btw, women’s sexual liberation belongs historically to Feminism, not misogamy, which is why Tate described himself as a feminist when he was defending Onleyfans. Do I need to explain how this works? Degeneracy isn't based; it's aligned with feminism; Andrew Tate called himself a feminist. In post-Roman Germanic tradition, women were revered within society, provided they maintain reason for that reverence.

Part of the hyper masculine drive is a worship of women, at least as far as they want to be worth being worshipped. I'm pro women because I don’t want to see them naively destroy themselves; Tate is a Feminist because he does. It’s like Ye said: when you abuse them, they will gravitate towards things like the sex industry to keep in touch with that abuse. Having this antisocial ethics-system which Tate is trying to figure out is only going to sow confusion in male-female relations. It’s as if you can see him with is sunglasses and stupid lips physically distancing man and women apart like someone trying to break up a fight: don’t think of getting too close; the relation needs to be maintained more as a business transaction between cold unfamiliar parties, which it literally is in the form of OnlyFans. Even sentimentality between the sexes has been commodified. On OnlyFans Men pay women to talk to and comfort them in this contractually executed manor, then go about their lives. Andrew Tate is inflating this lifestyle for its male recipients and advertizing the position of supplier as something high and quintessential. 

All this new discourse is controlled opposition to fuck every male option. Being a feminist is a bad way to go; as things have been set up, the other option is Onlyfans, looking at pictures of expensive cars, and calling women normies if they don't want to fuck the monk. It’s a false dichotomy, that is why it is there. Do you think anything predominant in modern culture is there because it's good for people? Only the learned minority in history ever get what’s going on while factions engineered by the same hand play against each other. 

There are unnamed percentages of people within modern subculture. I used to call the most numerous faction Half-Normies. They may watch people like Sam Hyde but they are not of the same substance as Sam Hyde;

they will be invested in things like anime and cartoon porn, or regular cartoons, or video games… As apposed to mundane apathy, the lesser percentage, the true Anti-Normie may appear similar but is eventually distinguished by a core of cynicism absent from the easy going consumer edge-lord. Anti-Normie: You can generally integrate their representatives in media from here-and-there—all of whom tend to have track records of establishing distain for modern-anime-culture, funnily enough. In the 60s, when the totally not CIA funded grassroots cultural revolution happened, instead of going along and being “rebellious” hippies, they unplugged and maintained their authenticity into the coming decades. Of any generation you will have a small portion of people who get what’s going on. These are people who were ready to take things seriously back in the mid 2000s and still are now. The gremlin in the works is that, comedic irony, which is a tool of cynicism, has been hijacked by people who just want to tag along for all the witty memes which come out if it, without actually getting what they're for. Their use for them finishes in a sincere smile and not legitimate distain. They disguise themselves with the coat of the righteous, but at the end of the day have not real use for the fashion. In truth, underneath the surface of some of the funniest people right now, you’ll find a person who knows that the side of good is losing. They aren’t just living for the lols, and if they are, it’s in a way which wants to take the world with them. 

I’m not saying that allot of this new anime meme culture shit trickles directly from the CIA, but it sure seems like it given that weebsexuality is pushed in advertizing and by Youtubers well supported by the algorithm.

The soldiers of Christ are earthy and have a sense of humor. The demons of Babylon are neat and wordy. Why do anime profile people always talk like such dorks, like stfu. 

When I was growing up, the toys for girls would be elegant, clean looking. The toys for boys would be weird, grimy and interesting. Did we forget this? Do young men think this chic is cool?

Human sexuality in culture can be normal and cool, like it was in the West before weeb culture came along. It doesn't have to be interpreted the way anime media does. I remember back when quirky girls wrote fan-fictions about being stabbed by Jeff the killer. There’s something innocent and cooler about that to me over what we have now. In the mid 2000s in the West, the balance was there, as seen in the antiquity of the age. This degree of harmony frightened Mass, so it introduced a foreign sensibility imported from Japan into youth culture. 

The Demon of Babylon usurps the soldier of Christ.

The western tradition around sex is to have solid standards of professionalism from which decadence may arise on the ground level. The Japanese tradition is to have in-high-regard this clean elegance, then obsessively rut in withdrawal from it. They used to view us as barbarians for being so rough around the edges on the ground-level. Now we’ve adopted their sense of prude-ness from which withdrawal is indulged. It is super faggy, hence why weebs have to have this great sheen of irony about everything they do; they know it’s lamer then shit: “ARA ARA; lewd…”—stfu, fucking nerds. 

I believe in Troll Face Nationalism. Scene, I will pull you from the ground; I will finish what you started...


  1. The glowies are watching me type this

  2. The new world will be prosperous and glorious, just as the forefathers dreamed of.

  3. Porn is bad. Evil even. A drug-virus that corrupts. If somebody is in anyway connected to creating and spreading it their words are meaningless to me. What words will that person produce, what wisdom will they share? A person who creates vile things? Where the corruption they invited to their core will surface? I am trying not to preach or scold anyone. Stay strong, stay warm.

  4. This reads like an unhinged rant from the type of /pol/ retard that *insists* 4chan isn't an anime website and gets upset beyond belief anytime anyone posts an anime image or says anything to the contrary, all while being completely ignorant to the history of the site and thusly the basis of the culture war, something you're clearly obsessed with
    >muh real masculinity
    >porn bad
    >anime bad
    >weebs are dorks stop talking like that
    >my blog full of schizo ramblings about how anime porn is actually destroying society totally isnt the same thing though
    >my obsession with youtubers is okay and totally not the same shit because it fits into my made up pseudoconservative ideology
    >post-4chan based normie seethe cope dilate touch grass have sex soyboy word soup as if you know the original meanings of any of those words and phrases only to go on to misuse them yourself
    Take your meds and opt out of the culture war. You lack true insight.

    1. The path to true insight is there if you search for it, I'm not going to spoon-feed you.

    2. I just don't think anime is worth defending

    3. That's fine. The culture war nonsense is what upsets me. I agree there is a conflict; but it's a manufactured one with whose resolution will only come about if everyone opts out. Look deeper. Or brush this off me off as the mad anime fan that I am. Your choice. I'll leave you with this: the origin of the ideology in which you place your faith wouldn't agree with your post.

    4. In a prior decade or 2, Otto Heckel would have been one of the Colony Drop writers or some other anti-Moe Blogs. It is the same bullshit, with a different ideological coat of paint. Just replace concerns like sexism, racism or some other talking point. With Manosphere/Dissident Right concerns about the decline of masculinity, morality and other talking points from the Iron Pill/BAP side of RW twitter. But underneath, you have a pseudo-intellectual who is assblasted that people don't fall in line with his taste or opinions. which he attributes a degree of moral significance. Which, sure it's his choice to critiques the problems and excesses of anime and it's fandom. But he can't fucking let go, 5 years will have pass and I bet you, that unless he further clears his mental heath, he'll still be bitching about anime porn, anitubers like Rev and Joey, and arguing his points with commentator with the same degree of contempt and investment. While proclaiming his distaste for the anime while referencing imagery and panelling from berserk in his webcomic and including his work on GITS and Berserk in Integrating My Philosophy. Anyway, I'll leave this comment section with some relevant Encyclopedia Dramatica, just so you all can get a taste of what Otto will become in hindsight on the internet:

    5. again, none of you have a solution. the ptsd of these things is easier to deal with once you understand the inner fabric of them and why they're like that. I do want to move on, that's all i've ever wanted, but first I have to understand the problem; that's how therapy works. I'm trying to work this so that others don't have to go through the same journey, and they can just reference what I've discovered.

    6. The real solution is to have self confrontation and to focus your mind on other things to where you don't think about porn. Or even if you do, you don't act on it.

    7. For the self confrontation thing, it boils down to comparing the tiny fraction of time where you feel pleasure from it to the long term regret, pain, and sadness that comes from it.

    8. Of course porn is just one of the examples of these harmful things that people need to stop consuming, so that they can heal from pain instead of temporarily numbing it.

  5. When you lament about the supposed downfall of society, and your only examples are onlyfans, anime, and polygamy that just proves you face little to no adversity in you day to day life, and therefore have the privilege to be mad about trivial gay shit like this. I suggest you break out of the culture war matrix, and realise that both sides are first world faggots with nothing better to do than get mad about ppl misgendering them, or pictures of trans people on beer cans

    1. You are getting mad at me on the behalf of things which are hurting people. You sound like a foaming Satanist

    2. Im not mad lol im giving you a reality check. You calling me mad, saying im hurting ppl by not getting triggered over porn shows that you are incapable of ppl critiquing your retarded statements, and instead need to characterize anyone who disagrees as an evil goverment/satanic agent as a cope.

  6. a lot of the time when someone calls something schizoposting its just a meaningless way of saying "i think what you're saying is stupid" but in this specific case i think you are actually schizophrenic and posting completely deranged nonsensical rantings on the internet. like a lunatic in an asylum scratching gibberish on the wall in blood and feces in a language only they can understand.
