Tuesday, April 18, 2023


This goblin says that anime review channels might start dropping like flies soon. 

The little hashtag at the end reminds me of Kony 2012 or something. Apparently anitubers could become an endangered species. Everybody deserves a voice and all, but whenever i see pandas or mosquitos I think about how little it would matter if the fuckers just went extinct. The only funny anime Youtuber I can remember is Demo, and he scarcely uploads anyway. 

At least he isn't making videos about dead girls and snuff comics everyday. 

I couldn't name many anitubers. All I remember about them was trying to find an alt trend back in the 2010s and how tidy and stiff these nerds would come off. 

I guess that's why they try to compensate with being edgy. The silly fucks didn't consider that doing so with comics about schoolgirls being raped was an unstrategic angle, and would eventually catch up with them. 

When they're not making videos for fun, they're renegading for loli, but that's kind of a low hanging fruit. I'm more burned that someone would trivialize a case in particular. People might make the argument, "Just because someone makes a video about something tragic doesn't mean they're trying to downgrade it." 

To be honest, as far as i'm concerned the only only excuse for making a video about that case would be to dox the perpetrators and get as many people after their balls as possible. Anything more is just masturbation, especially when it's the same channel which invests in porn for sadists. You can't just express your condolences ritualistically, then ensue a hundred videos of girls talking about it with inches of make up. 

The interest which clicks on a weird video on Instagram is the same interest which watches a make up tutorial about a young girl's murder—but what unnerves me about Mr. Anime's content is that the interest which created a video about a young girl's murder is the same interest which ogles at the same sort of thing in fiction—and I know what Mr. Anime probably said in his video: "Guys, this is actually dicked up and I want to have a serious bit where the camera zooms in on my face for a second or two." At the end of the day, all of this horror is still being streamlined, and it's their fucking fault. 

These weebs like to spend their time dabbling about fruitcake Jap shit. They compensate with a reminder that they know it's fucked up, before posting another 20 videos on it. 

When it comes to the sadist porn, the game is to clarify a disavowal, but inevitably talk about it constantly, over any other fixation. For instance why aren't they obsessed with fucking toasters, at least that isn't hurting anyone who matters, but it's horrors of all things they happen to be keeping up on. 

As they're doing they can say: "THIS IS SO BAD, NOBODY GET INSPIRED, THIS IS SO DISTURBING TO ME."—all the while a generation of kids with Ipads are being influenced to grow up with painful sex drives, and it's all because of them. In regards to the murder of Junko Furuta, they might relay that they think it's messed up, but be honest I don't believe that for a second—if they did, they wouldn't have made a video about it. And by the way, that's no reflection on Mr. Anime himself.

 It's obviously his choice what he wants to do, and that's beautiful. It's inspiring how far he's come and the opportunities he's reached. 

I would love to see him fucking his fat wife while thinking about his favorite porn star.

I remember this Golden retriever back before anime blew up, part of the tradition of nerd culture was always flexing charms which might unnerve average folk. This quirky drive to the weird which geeky women have is one to masculine power, specifically the unconventional more cerebral sort—she could've been wearing one of those mid 2000s scene shirts with an edgy cartoon on it, maybe even something subversive.

Traditionally it's a flex by women to impress culturally cynical men cut from the herd.

 Instead they got met by a bunch of zoomers fixed on mommy porn

and would adapt accordingly to the demand. 


Basically one of the high elves was looking for something weird and exciting, and instead of finding a barbaric warrior... 

...they came across all these goblins eating shit and pissing on each other. 

People are so puritanical that all you need to do is talk about death or tits to impress them. 

Back in the day this illustrious draw would've been to cynicism, an a capacity to tell every smiling retard to piss off. Now, nerds are the smiling retards. 

Weaboos used to be dorks invested by shows which looked like they were made for little girls. 

Around 2016 they started embracing all this weird shit to compensate. When X made liking anime safe with his music, that really sealed the deal. 

These days, when they roll up with their loli game about suicide, instead of getting called lame, people are actually shocked by it. 

Now people think dogwhistling that code for Metamorphosis is this slick joke that the normies don't get, but their cultural predecessors were the normies of the weebs who won out during the 2010s. 

Those zoomers teasing hentai references are just their descendants. 

The ancestors of those who lost probably wouldn't be shocked by hentai anyway, given that's the sort of thing they were embracing as an alt to normie culture—the same normie culture which was synthesized in matrimony with nerd culture to create the weebs we have today

—all that unfunny anime humor, how sleek and rigid it became. 

To be honest, I don't think I'm going to miss them, and I hope they all get censored into oblivion for ruining nerd culture.


  1. keep going this is amazing

  2. keep em' coming based fren

  3. I think a large part of the cultural shift of Anime was also due to Filthy Franks weaboos video. His (justified) mockery completely erased the meek, semi-serious, sword-collecting proto-weeb from existence and replaced it with the self-aware, unashamed and obnoxious weeb community we have today.

  4. i just love how they actively talk down to their entire audience, saying shit like "why are you people obsessed with japan?? you're all weirdos" as if those weirdos aren't developing this mindset from watching their garbage videos. these goofballs all make exactly the same "VISITING A FUCKED UP PORN BAR" type videos so that retards will eat it up, and then they're shocked that the people that enjoy it are complete ingrates
